Bilecik İl Merkezinde Konut Talebini Etkileyen Faktörler ve Kentsel Yayılma Alanlarının İncelenmesi




Housing has had an important place in human life from past to present. The concept of housing, whose primary function is to meet the housing needs of individuals, is also used as an economic security and investment tool. On the other hand, the concept of urban sprawl, which is closely related to the concept of housing, continues to be a global problem faced by societies from past to present, although it has been an ongoing phenomenon for years. In this study, it is aimed to reveal how the housing concept and urban sprawl areas and the demands of households and individuals for housing are shaped in Bilecik and in our country by taking Bilecik Province as an example. In this direction, a detailed literature research was conducted and official institutional data on housing and factors affecting housing demand and urban sprawl for the period 2008-2018 were analyzed. As a result of the analysis, recommendations were made for sustainable cities with livable characteristics, where the environment is polluted at the minimum level, resources, especially land, are not used effectively and efficiently. It is emphasized that villages should be made livable in all respects and reverse migration should be encouraged in order to prevent housing need and unplanned urbanization.


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How to Cite

Genç, A., & TAŞER, A. (2024). Bilecik İl Merkezinde Konut Talebini Etkileyen Faktörler ve Kentsel Yayılma Alanlarının İncelenmesi. Journal of Sustainable Green Development , 1(2), 13–33.


