Küresel Isınmanın Meteorolojik Veriler Üzerindeki Etkisinin Araştırılması
Trend, Meteorolojik Parametreler, İklim DeğişikliğiAbstract
Climate change has often serious effects on the environment. In this study, trend analysis of precipitation, temperature, humidity and evapotranspiration parameters of Şanlıurfa central meteorology station for the years 1963-2021 was applied. While Mann-Kendall (MK) and Innovative Sen method (ITA) were used for trend detection, sequential Mann-Kendall rank correlation test (SQ-MK) was performed to determine the year the trend started. According to the results of the study, an increasing trend was obtained in the annual average temperature and annual total evapotranspiration values according to both methods. However, while a decreasing trend was observed at the annual total precipitation and annual average relative humidity values according to the ITA method, no trend was detected according to the MK method. The year in which the trend started was calculated according to the SQ-MK method, the years of change in the annual average temperature and annual total evapotranspiration parameters for the year 2007 and 2000, respectively. The results of the study provide important information to the decision makers about the water management of Şanlıurfa
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