Sociological explanation of social order and its etiology in terms of the concept of sustainability




Social order, collective consciousness, sustainability


One of the most basic features that make humans human is their social being. The criterion for being a social being is collective living habits. Sustainability, as a socio-ecological process, refers to the balance of the social system against resources. Therefore, sustainable developments can be considered as a result of the collective partnership of social life. Being together and a collective consciousness can be achieved with some rules of order. In other words, the necessary result of the social life style is realized through written and unwritten rules of social order, which shape and direct people's behavior, ensuring the meaning of being together and preventing interference in the freedom areas of others. This study deals with the effective implementation of sustainable developments with the concepts of social order and discusses the importance of collective life shaped by the rules of order in terms of sustainability principles. In this context, the study aims to discuss the importance of sustainable principles with the concepts of crime and deviation by addressing the social order system. To achieve this aim, descriptive analysis method was used. In this process, concepts were scanned and information from the literature was collected and synthesized. As a result, it has been concluded that sustainable development develops in direct proportion to collective consciousness and that the social order system is an important controlling element in this respect.


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How to Cite

SELÇUK, N. (2024). Sociological explanation of social order and its etiology in terms of the concept of sustainability. Journal of Sustainable Green Development , 1(1), 35–41.


